Veče uz jogu i indijsku hranu

Provedite veče sa nama uz jogu i indijsku hranu!

English below

Pozivamo vas da zajedno započnemo ovu godinu uživajući u jogi, druženju i egzotičnim ukusima indijske kuhinje!

Čas joge je na engleskom jeziku i namenjen je kako početnicima, tako i naprednijim vežbačima. Detaljno ćemo da istegnemo  celo telo što će, sigurni smo,  nakon napornih radnih i prazničnih dana, biti više nego blagotvorno. Kroz svesno disanje i promišljanje svih osećaja u telu povezaćemo se sa sobom i uspostaviti balans duha i tela. Sva oprema je obezbeđena, obucite ono što vam je najudobnije za vežbanje.

Nakon joge nas čekaju zdrava i uzbudljiva jela indijske kuhinje koja će vam omogućiti da barem na trenutak osetite duh te egzotične zemlje. Naš s ljubavlju odabrani meni sastavljen je od biljnih celovitih sastojaka, bez rafinisanih proizvoda i namirnica životinjskog porekla.

Uz sve to, spremili smo još jedno iznenađenje za vas: oslikavanje kanom! Tradicija bojenja tela kanom potiče upravo iz Indije, gde ima važan i kompleksan ceremonijalni značaj. Ova vrsta privremene tetovaže ostaje na koži u proseku oko 10 dana a egzotični vizuelni efekat koji stvara je zaista čaroban.

18:00 Čas hatha joge
19:30 Indijska večera

Broj učesnika: 8
Cena: 2000 dinara po osobi (crtanje kanom se naplaćuje posebno)

Datum: 12. januar, subota

Adresa: Avani yoga, Rajićeva 1 (strogi centar grada)

Prijave i informacije na mejl:

O nama:

Aleksandra Golubović – sertifikovana instruktorka joge (RYT-200). Aleksandra ima toplu i pristupačnu energiju, poseduje strast prema jogi i ubeđena je da je joga moćni alat za poboljšavanje kvaliteta našeg života. Rođena je u Beogradu, ali je odrasla u Vankuveru. Nedavno se vratila u Srbiju i sa velikim zadovoljstvom deli svoja iskustva sa ljudima u Beogradu. Strastveni je čitalac i putnik i obožava da peva uz ukulele.


Katja Jakovljeva – sertifikovani holistički nutricionista i autorka bloga o zdravoj ishrani Vita. Dugo godina je vegetarijanac i izučava različite načine zdrave ishrane i njen uticaj na naš život. Uživa u hrani, putovanjima i voli da eksperimentiše u kuhinji uz dobru muziku. Ruskinja je, živi u Srbiji i povremeno u Indiji.



Join us for an evening of yoga and Indian food!

You’re invited you to start the New Year off with us as we dive into yoga, good company, and the mouth-watering taste of Indian cooking!

The evening begins with an all-levels yoga class taught in English, which is suitable for beginners and more experienced yogis alike. We will treat the whole body to nourishing movement – the perfect antidote to the effects of the hectic holiday season. Through conscious breath and bodily awareness, we will reconnect with ourselves, and help cultivate balance in body and mind. All equipment is provided. Wear whatever is most comfortable for you to be able to move freely.

As we emerge from Savasana, a delectable, healthy meal awaits us. Fragrant and flavourful, Katia’s Indian cooking will acquaint you with the spirit of this incredible part of the world. Our lovingly-chosen menu is entirely plant-based, without refined products or foods of animal origin.

For those interested, we have another treat in store for you: the lovely Sajdah will be on-site offering her artistic skills in mehendi – henna tattooing. The tradition of using plants to dye the body comes from India, where it has an important and complex ceremonial significance. The designs last about ten days, and the visual effects they create are truly magical.

6 pm: Hatha Yoga Class

7.30 pm: Indian Dinner

Number of participants: 8

Price: 2000 dinars (Henna option is paid for separately)

Date: January 12th, Saturday

Location: Avani Yoga, Rajiceva 1 (right in the city centre)

To register, or for more info, send a e-mail to


About us:

Katya Yakovleva – Certified Holistic Nutritionist and author of, a healthy food blog. A vegetarian of many years, Katya has devoted herself to the study of healthy ways of eating and their impact on our lives. She lives for food and traveling, and loves to experiment in the kitchen while playing some good tunes. Katya is from Russia but lives mostly in Serbia, and sometimes in India.


Aleksandra Golubović – Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT-200). Aleksandra is a warm, approachable instructor who is passionate about the power of yoga to improve the quality of our lives. Belgrade-born but Vancouver-raised, she has recently moved back to Serbia and is excited about sharing the practice of yoga with people in Belgrade. She is an avid reader and traveler, and loves belting out a few songs on the ukulele every now and then.



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